writing projects // pursuits
Autoportrait Pablo Picasso, late-1901 [detail]
Harlequin Blue
A prolonged ekphrastic engagement with paint, brush-strokes and the colour blue. A meeting beneath the paint that loops and spirals from city-symphony motifs to feverish carnivalesque activity to labyrinthine catacombs to ocean-crossings to No-place. A katabasis that consumes itself like a textual ouroboros and vomits new configurations.
You can read an excerpt published in TEXT here & in Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual 2017
Coral Polyps, Smithsonian
Creative Collaborations
Sympoietic e-co(|)labs, multiple cursor |-mouths, portals to the multiple.
Leda and Swan by Cy Twombly, 1962 [detail]
The PIcasso Experiment: How to write like painting
A scholarly monograph, or collection of essays, on signs, minds and creativity, or how to write like painting; thinking with: biosemiosis, emergence, Night Science, sleuthing, Peirce's abduction, synaptic gaps, mapping, the substance of time, blue, utopias, ekphrasis.
Excerpt: 'The Cell of my Art as an Amoeba' in Axon: Creative Explorations (2017).
Amoeba, Unknown Source
The cell of my art
The cell of my art becoming-mind as mouth, and mouth as ameoba / philosopoiesis, symbiosis, sympoiesis // a body of mouths.
Illustrations/papers from the Dorothy Hill Collection, UQ Fryer Library
Polyp (Vagabond Press)
A collection of poems titled Polyp that grows from itself like fractal shoots, about cells, corals, fossils and minds, on a long walk away from away through deep time and into imagined futures. Polyp draws on the UQ Fryer Library's Dorothy Hill Collection for inspiration. Polyp has been thrice shortlisted for Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize (2020 (Runner-up), 2021, 2022); individual poems from this collection have also been published and awarded (see here).
Mouthness, philosopoiesis, membranes, ekphrasis, amoebas, symbiosis, sympoiesis, memory and forgetting, water bodies, water beings, neurobiology, psycho-archeology, philosophies of time, mycelia, pneumatophores, swamp writing.